
What we can do for your business

Our mission at Lobo Consultants is grounded in unwavering ethical and moral principles. Our guiding beacon is to empower you to reshape your business reality in the United States. Whether you're an entrepreneur, executive, or investor, we provide the reins for you to steer your own destiny.

Through a blend of premium business consultancy, international legal expertise, and dedicated legal assistance, we pledge to assist you not only in realizing your business aspirations but also in elevating your outcomes to their maximum potential. Embrace change with us as we journey together towards a more connected and promising future.


Our services encompass the formation of companies in all U.S. states, providing guidance and specialized assistance to establish your business presence effectively and in compliance with local regulations.

Whether for commercial or immigration purposes, our team of business planning consultants can assist you in achieving your goal! Our business plan writers are experienced professionals with a solid background in their respective fields.

Whether if your goal is to give a boost to your start-up company or to dive into an M&A process, we can offer the assistance you need. Financial modeling, due diligences, pitch decks, market research, feasibility studies, teasers and much more.